And if I had started writing here a year ago, I probably would have named it something like that. But I thought, "Why?... Why confine the concept of this blog to my past--however horrid--a past that I really consider myself free of and reconciled with?" No. Although I consider myself an activist against the cult, and I do want to use my words here to bring their many injustices and the outrage of former members to light, this is not the reason I had for writing my story--my mildly informative, hopefully entertaining, and perhaps even outrageous story.
And this story is not about being a transsexual either. Of course, yes, I hope to do all those things other gender pioneers do and have done--chronicle my transition, post a video diary, gab, gab, gab--but this is not the main point. Like any other person, these few words--these labels--are not me. I am not here to only be a transsexual any more than I only want to be known as an ex Jehovah's Witness.
My name is Laura--yes a new name for me--something I'm still getting used to. But to me it signifies a new life, an adventure unfolding before me! In the end, I am writing this blog because I want to share myself and share my adventure with as many people as possible. This includes my past, but it is mainly about the present and any hopeful thoughts shooting through my brain considering the future. I view myself as a recovered soul--someone whose life simply went in circles before, in giant loops of self degradation and misunderstanding--a woman who has finally come to grips with herself and the world around her. I want to share my story, who I am, and what I'm doing now.
So I will be posting all these things. I'll also post recipes, videos, artwork, and music. I hope that whoever is looking on, peering accross the clutter of the internet, enjoys these things I have to share, and rides this ride of life with me. :) I will try to post every week. In fact, I will make sure I post every week. Until then, I only have one thing to say... Merry Christmas! xD