I have bias against Mars because I have only lived on Earth... It's not hatred.... It's bias. I don't hate what I don't understand. I just misunderstand it. But I do hate being told it is hatred when it is not, so please...
Please learn the difference.
Any attempt to understand what it might be like to be a Martian will always be influenced by my experience of only living on Earth, no matter how hard I might try to really sincerely get a grasp on all those differences. I'll never know that it feels like to live on Mars, so like me, please...
Please learn to be honest with yourself.
If people from Mars ever arrived on our planet, it'd be silly for them to not expect to be at the mercy of our own bias. They would have to do their best to understand the viewpoint of a culture they chose to visit or reside in, if we were to allow them to reside here at all. Maybe they think we occupy the Earth unjustly, but that doesn't matter if they have chosen to come live amongst us. The same way it doesn't matter that a lizard doesn't like the hive mind of ants as it wanders too close to an anthill and stands the risk of being devoured... So please...
Please learn to respect the structure of the culture you are living in, whether or not you agree with it.
The Moon and the Earth are a part of each other and effect each other symbiotically. Somewhat like Martians, I will never fully understand moon people. The moon people may not understand all the ways their rock's gravity marginally affects our planet, nor will we understand how our planet affects them. The tides, the weather, these things we create together as two dancing cosmic structures, and in turn, we exchange energy and ultimately, create life. We can so easily hate the seasonal flow of the tides and blame the moon for it's phases. Sometimes it seems like the moon is not even there at all. In each New Moon, we are left in the dark. We're being ignored by the moon people. Really, they are just shrouded, deep in shadow, a shadow cast by our own beautiful planet, tilting on it's axis, having seasons, and water and tides, and they can be just as equally mad about their lot. One side of their rock is in constant darkness. Most meteors that would hit us are deflected or taken by the moon and it's people. By a natural gravity their revolutions and protection are as dependable as any clockwork, but the gravity itself sometimes feels destructible to the planet who naturally holds the cradle and chaos of life. Actually, to each rock. So please...
Please, communicate... try to understand each other...
... and that includes knowing you will never fully understand what it's like to be on the other side, unless you choose to pick up, and forever live there, if you even can.
There are always crazy people and crazy instances that spring up out of nowhere, from various stages of broken and calloused. But those do not have to be how we view one another.