Wednesday, July 19, 2023

Growing Up As One of Jehovah's Transsexuals: A final reading before release.

If you have forgotten about this book I have been steadily working on for the past decade, don't worry! I'm here to remind you, and I have one last update and reading to share before the book is released. It will be available in print and digital copy on Amazon this November, 2023.

Watch or listen to this reading through the links provided below, or you can also watch through most other platforms, from Apple Podcasts to Pandora. 

On YouTube, I begin with some commentary about the book and current events, but then continue to read from where I left off at Chapter 3. There are timestamps if you are only interested in hearing the reading, rather than my blabbing. For podcasting services, the reading and commentary has been divided into two separate episodes. 

Now that the book is complete and nearing release, in print this will actually appear as Chapter 5. There is an additional chapter in the book before this point which was not included in my previous readings. I felt it was needed, and hopefully it keeps the book a bit more fresh for everyone once released.

Chapter four covers early memories with my sister and lays the groundwork for events that will happen later in the narrative. As a transgender woman that grew up within a fundamentalist Christian cult, there is quite a lot ahead. The narrative parallels many of the current events we are seeing in the world right now concerning these social groups, and is meant to arrive at a spirit of understanding through a mixture of honesty, vulnerability, and tough talk. 

Sometimes, I get asked why I use the word "transsexual" in my title, so I figure I can address that here, since many view the word as problematic and in general, people love trivia. 

For me, "transsexual" was the first word I learned that could describe me in any way, back in the 90s. The word "transgender" wasn't that common at the time, and I ended up discovering that word much later. Also, I use "transsexual" because it was the title of my original YouTube series, because it is a word that can be just as problematic as the cult I refer in the title, and because obviously Growing Up As a Fundamentalist Christian Transgender just doesn't really have the same snap to it!


