Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Fire... aka Hail Cognitive Dissonance - Podcast #8 , with Special Edition produced by Fred Eder

EDIT: Now there is a special edition of this episode: See below.

This past week, northwest of the United States has been on fire. Here, right outside my home in Portland, Oregon. And this past Saturday I decided to discuss my feelings in the thick of it. Lives have been lost and towns torched. The air quality is hazardous, particularly here. Over a million acres have burned and the size and damage of the fires are the unprecedented results of climate change, although some say its apocalyptic and godly retribution. With my family unable to escape the hazardous air and concerned for our safety, I ask about how we should respond to the deniers and toss around some ideas. What we can do to make sure our homes and shared realities are safe?

I want to thank Fred Eder of Fred's Front Porch and Studio Stargazer for re-envisioning and producing the the audio and effects in this episode. This was a special project he took on out of pure desire, and I am excited to include it as an update to my original podcast. The episode is now a truly immersive experience, and I think captures my feelings that night so well. Thank you Fred!

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SPECIAL EDITION - Now on Buzzsprout and all other platforms:


