Tuesday, November 1, 2016

My final thoughts before voting...

The FBI director opens up an investigation two weeks before the election.

Seriously, what has the FBI been up to the past few months?

Perhaps the director has been caught up in the sense-numbing thought-rape that surrounds this election.

You know, because there are so many people shouting "conspiracy" to everything that happens now-a-days, I'm typically always the first one to try to leverage out such a one-sided, dogmatically and detrimentally negative view. Especially since I need no help thinking in such imaginative paranoid its-the-end of-the-world-or-nothing perceptions.

I was raised in a doomsday cult. It was how I was raised to think.

So, one of the many, many reasons I don't like Trump: Practically his entire campaign has been built on 'everything is a conspiracy.' Even hard facts are "rigged" to make him look bad.

But seriously, this time something doesn't smell right. And the way I see it, if Hilary doesn't step down, if there is no real legal follow-through soon, as close to election day as it is--I'm calling it--this very well could be; the FBI director, Donald Trump, the Russian Government; this could be the real honest-to-odds conspiracy against she who would be the first female leader of the free world.

It's something that is blaring out at me.

It's really a simple gut(wrenching)-feeling, after observing everything and having the education I've been given. But it makes more sense to me than a bunch of giant businesses and millions of people being in on some multifaceted unspoken nation-wide conspiracy.

Even if that isn't the case...

Disclaimer here: I am not a fan of any particular candidate, as a person.  Not a fan of most of their policies this time around either.

So, even if nothing else comes to light over the next week, like most elections, to me this has become a party decision. Unless maybe I write-in the Bern... that I might just do, depending maybe on whether I see enough support there. So far, that's a no. But otherwise, I likely will be voting for the candidate representing the party whose ideals and policies I have, for years, sided with the most.

In this way I am also voting to continue with policies that have been set in place which need time to come to fruition---not be ripped out and replaced with new economic plans any economist will tell you are imbecilic (Gary Johnson's admittedly, possibly--no, not definitely--being the only exception to all of these. But unfortunately, Libertarianism is all about local majority standards with regards to civil and social legislation, with no care to how this will impact education, children, and minority groups. So I am strongly on the side of DO NOT to vote for him--is it really such a stretch to say, yeah, Gary seems like a decent guy, but most of his party stands for absolute purely ideological shit, so no?).

Long story short, I don't think our current economic policies should be ripped out of action before we see the real results that they are capable of. Turning the entire economic plan around every 8 years, for a country our size just sounds like bad decision making and really is no way to resolve any type of vast long-term crisis.

Obama was handed a terrible crisis.

His policies were in place when it stopped.

They were in place when everything turned around.

And it may have taken nothing for the economy to collapse, but let me remind you, building is always much harder.

I think those policies need to go further.

That's how I felt from the beginning, but everything surrounding this election made me stop and reanalyze that position from the ground up. It really did. I find it funny that I'm right back to it.

Anyway, those, I think, are my final feelings on the subject. After a lot of thought, and considering everything I know, it ends up being the same decision I made 4 years ago, and no, I don't feel bad about that at all.

Like I said in my last post. I was going to just keep driving past this one. But it really has become important to say my full thoughts on this subject, with how convoluted this has all become, and so much at stake. Please get out and vote.