Monday, April 4, 2016

"The Hard Sell" [a Coheed and Cambria album review] Part 1

This post is old, and was originally one long post, but I have edited it and turned it into two for the purpose of highlighting the dangers of cult activity. This is the first part, which is essentially just an album review:

"I'm paranoid and sick of this
World's misconception of things I did

I stood by everything I loved
While you never understood me much...

'Cause there's only one of me
And too many of you fighting 
over nothing
Oh, there's never enough cool for everyone
And before you know it you're selling out to be in...

These eyes ungoverned are tearing us apart
Their ears forsaken have given up on art
Now, why believe in anything they praise
When one hand holds them the victor
While the other holds the shovel to their graves...

Oh, this ticket window has closed
Save your money, baby
The next show's about to start...
One by one they drop..."

- "The Hard Sell" by Coheed and Cambria

Shame on me. Shame on me. Shame on ME! I did not write a thing for the entire month of February. How utterly terrible of me! I mean, I just started this thing...

Well let me just say that life goes on. Just wait, OK?! Calm down! I'm going to keep going. Yes, other blogs I have had in the past did fizzle out--other blogs I let die while I really had not a lot going on--this one, however, I've slowed down because things are happening. Life has been an adventure and things are going really well for me in some areas, and really horrible in others! I just don't have the time to always write a witty few hundred words about my week, but I do want to write. And I will write. I cannot tell exactly when I will be writing. I only know at I least want to do something every month. It could be more than that. It could be slightly longer. If there are any readers out there in the vastness, I will not disappoint you. My thoughts and feelings are still piling up in my mind searching for an outlet. This blog roll and my videos will keep coming--speaking of which if any haven't seen my latest video, "How It Feels To Be Transgendered," follow the link and take a look--I promise on updates, irregular though they may be.

Today, first of all, I have to give a shout out to my favorite band in all the world, Coheed and Cambria, and their new album, "The Afterman: Ascension." If you are a fan, you should definitely check it out. This and the coupling abum "The Afterman: Descension"--which came out just a few months prior--is, in my opinion, their most impressive work yet. It really showcases, not only their outstanding creativity as artists and Claudio's chops as a science fiction story teller/singer, but also their diversity in style. If you were one of those fans disillusioned by their last concept album, "Year Of The Black Rainbow"--I wasn't, I loved it, but I can understand how some might have been overwhelmed by it--this album brings it back to the old production sound, while adding enough creative flare and new sounds to please old an new fans alike.

The lyrics quoted above are from the album. This song, "The Hard Sell" is an anthem of upset--the key conflict climax song of the two albums that comes before a series of songs that seem to depict the resolution to the issues of depression, anger, lost love, and faithfulness to self presented in the first album. This song has enough truth and feeling to it to appeal to those who search for such in their music, while the guitars tear out a low menacing growl that will impress any metal head. Hearing Josh Eppard's unique drum style again in this and the other recordings (for the first time since the original two Coheed albums) pounding out a militaristic funk to match, gives the song a well rounded completeness that probably couldn't be pulled off by any other drummer--including the quick-footed Chris Pennie, the drummer that has stood in for Eppard the past few albums (although I will miss what he added to the band too). I also recommend the songs "Number City" for its brass additions and new style, and "Away We Go," which along with "2's My Favorite 1" round out the album and add a feel-good air to the albums' closure, apart from being two of the sweetest love songs I have ever heard. They certainly put my heart aflutter.

"Without me, will she reach the great beyond?
Believe me, take my word, I'll never break your heart...
And away we go
My little Jersey girl."

I don't know about the rest of you girls, but me, I believe you, Claudio Sanchez! You can go ahead and take me away! :p

Again, shame on me! The man is married. And I couldn't be happier for him. I was able to meet him once, and he's certainly a real nice guy. He and the rest of the band deserve their success. Congratulations on the amazing accomplishment guys!

... Not done yet. This one's going to be a long one. Check out Part 2, because this album effected me personally.