Monday, February 22, 2016

If you are what you eat, then the only real people are cannibals - Part I

You know a relationship is really over when you get accused of being completely fake, and that you don't care at all. When someone basically insinuates that you are a sociopath.

Then you know its time to let go.

Maybe you can get in a few quick quips back during the proceeding days--you know the ones--the ones you don't mean and never wanted to say anyways; but once you let that valued opinion sink in, you will never be the same again. And you know it, so curse your curses as you lie there on the floor.

That's the thing. If you love someone, you value what they say. You make sacrifices for them. You want to protect and rescue them from everything, even themselves. Even you.

Even when it is your fault, Laura, you stupid, stupid bitch.

When you love someone, their opinion carries weight. When you're hit with that negative opinion, with something as negative as that--it's like being struck in the face with a sock full of rolled quarters. The blunt force is so great that you land on the floor, pieces loose or just plain missing, and it takes you time to gather yourself. You can't even put together that perhaps the fact that this has laid you out--perhaps this means they're completely wrong about you, but even when everyone else is telling you that, you don't listen...

d Instead you get up, dazed and confused. Anyou just look in the mirror with trepidation and say, "Am I really?" And then you wait for Bloody Mary to show herself.

This type thing is maybe typical in a long-term, long distance relationship, I don't know, but this was my first time getting that far in a long distance anything. It's for sure never been love before.

So when I realized I was loosing her. Yeah I panicked. Yeah I put up my shield and tried to push her away. And when, again, I realized that I wasn't losing her, that she was just hurting, and I was hurting her more, yes, I tried to almost quite literally to fly in for the rescue.

And I tried to reach out. And I got my arm lopped off. And a slung shot to the face

And I deserved it. Because words. Communication. They do nothing in the end. They bring out any cravings that the masses currently crave and nothing different or new. Not ever. We are predestined by the prevailing mob.